19 Unique Wind Chimes from Happy Gardens
Here at Happy Gardens, we pride ourselves on our own garden, our love of gardening and all things garden, and on the products and services we offer to our clients. We want your experience with us to be pleasant, interesting, rewarding, and memorable... in a word, we want to be unique!
We think you will agree that we have brought together a surprising variety of distinct products. Take our Wind Chimes — handcrafted with the finest materials with a special, curated offering of subjects and themes that are as interesting and captivating as they are different!
Check out our list of 19 of our most unique wind chimes below!
1) Starting with #1 in the list, our Terra Cotta Multi Coloured Leaf Mobile looks, at first glance, to be a whirl of wind-captured leaves:

Terra Cotta Multi Colored Leaf Mobile
2) Another style — Sun, Moon, and Stars Mobile — is an enchanting take on a more traditional style:
3) Our Dragonflies Mobile is a traditional mobile with several balances:
4) Take this one (please!) — Shimmering Bells with Butterflies — It’s a lovely visual treat, with a geometric appeal:
Shimmering Bells with Butterflies
5) Spiral chimes use a spiral as a wind-powered kinetic reservoir, which imparts motion and sound for the Bee Spiral with Bells Mobile Wind Chime:
6) Many of our chimes offer bells in addition to the visual theme presented, like the Hanging Birds with Bells Mobile Wind Chime:
Hanging Birds with Bells Mobile Wind Chime
7) For gardeners who love their plants and plantings. What better theme to offer than something with hearts to show that love? Like the Hearts with Bells Hanging Mobile:
Hearts with Bells Hanging Mobile
8) We have butterflies, like this Butterlies Mobile:
9) Wise gardeners know that an owl in the garden helps to control pests. Our Owls with Bells Wind Chime pays a kinder homage, using motion and sound:
10) On the theme of birds, our Bird House and Birds Wind Chime is just plain cute:
Bird House and Birds Wind Chime
11) We’re not forgetting the night flyers either, with the Bats Mobile:
12) Few birds are as gorgeous as the peacock, so we have a Peacock Wind Chime:
13) The Cedar Waxwing Spiral Mobile is a busy gathering of birds, probably “just hanging out in the breeze…”:
14) Our Pine Cone Wind Chime promises to become a new favorite — you’ll never have to pick these up, as they won’t fall, and critters won’t be trying to snack on them either:
15) Every gardener has a favorite watering can. The Watering Can Spiral Mobile Wind Chime has a whole bunch of them:
Watering Can Spiral Mobile Wind Chime
16) We’ve got umbrellas, since every gardener knows sometimes rain can be too much of a good thing. The Umbrellas Spiral Mobile Wind Chime offers a touch of whimsy, whether it is raining in your garden or not:
Umbrellas Spiral Mobile Wind Chime
17) Our Clouds and Drops Wind Chime is a microcosm of the whole water cycle, right there for you to see and hear:
18) The Multicolor Flower Hanging Mobile is as lovely as the flowers you grow yourself, and as colorful:
Multicolor Flower Hanging Mobile
19) Here we are at nineteen! Check out our Doves with Leaves Spiral Mobile. You can almost hear their soft, heartfelt cooing:
Doves with Leaves Spiral Mobile
And we have SO many more unique wind chimes! Please enjoy yourself browsing through all of the other chimes we offer as well.
Happy Gardens should be your on-line source for wind chimes. We offer an exciting selection of truly unique designs, styles, colours, motion, and sounds!
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