Attracting Wildlife to the Garden: Birds, Bees, Butterflies, and More
Even in cities and busy suburbs, wildlife can thrive! Whether you’d like to see more songbirds, attract more pollinators, or entice a few squirrels to perform frisky antics near a window, there’s an easy way to do it.
Feeders, Baths, and Houses for Birds
Birdhouses give songbirds a safe place to nest, but did you know that different birds prefer different types of houses? Consider which species you’d like to attract, and find out what type of birdhouse design your favorite birds prefer.
Whether you add birdhouses or not, you’ll find that bird baths and bird feeders attract plenty of winged visitors, particularly in extreme hot and cold weather. If you can, treat hot, thirsty birds to shady resting spots during the summer. Refill baths with clean water frequently, and be sure to keep bird feeders full. This way, birds will feel welcome in your garden, and will keep coming back. Use squirrel baffles on your bird feeders, and give squirrels their own treats – this way, there will be plenty of food for everyone.
Plants for Pollinators
Bees and butterflies help pollinate plants – not just in your garden, but in wild spaces and on farms where food crops are grown. Some birds – such as hummingbirds – are pollinators too, so be sure to give them a good food source.
Bees are attracted to flowering plants of different types, and are particularly fond of white, yellow, and blue colors. Like hummingbirds, butterflies prefer brilliant red and purple flowers. Monarchs need milkweed, so be sure to place one or two of these impressively sized plants in your garden to help boost the population.
Whichever plants and flowers you choose, be sure to select different species in a wide array of colors and shapes, and ensure that you add plants that bloom at different times. This way, pollinators will feel welcome throughout the growing season. Adding colorful objects can bring pollinators - particularly hummingbirds - in from a distance, and encourage them to take a look at your plants.
How do you attract pollinators, birds, and other wildlife to your garden? We’d love to hear from you!
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