DIY Garden Stakes: How to Make Easily
Traditionally, a garden stake either supports plants, or helps mark or label them. But nowadays, many garden stakes are purely decorative—and a ton of fun. And adding one (or a bunch) to a grassy yard, manicured flower bed, or thriving herb garden can bring both order and charm to your outdoor space.
There are all sorts of garden stakes available, from simple and practical to ornate and purely decorative. Our Happy Gardens shop has dozens of handcrafted ones in our garden stakes collection for you to choose from, too. Whether you're looking to label your herb garden or jazz up a flower bed, you're sure to find what you're looking for.
But, best of all, you can learn how to make a garden stake of your very own, right at home. In this article, we'll touch on how to build your own garden stakes with every day supplies and tools like spray paint, a wire cutter, scissors, wood, and beads. Best of all, there are tons of DIY garden plant stakes to choose from—all at different skill and difficulty levels.
Also check out our article on metal yard art ideas.
DIY beaded garden stakes
One of our favorite garden stake ideas is jazzing up a simple garden stake with colorful glass beads. All you need to make beaded garden stakes is a basic, coated garden stake, an old drawer knob, some beautiful glass beads, and something to cut with—pliers or wire cutter will do.
Then, simply thread the beads onto the garden stake. You can top off the design with a funky drawer pull, if you'd like. You may need to use wire cutter or another tool to cut off any curves or edges that prevent you from threading the stake.
And if your kids want to join in, they can help thread the garden stake with this no-mess, great project.
We've found that these decorative garden stakes look even better when there's a few of them. We recommend creating a few of them, each unique, and staking them together in your yard.
Want more info? There's a great tutorial for these fun garden stakes here. In fact, with a little searching online, you'll find tons of guides and videos to help you create tons of decorative garden stakes right at home.
Upcycled mason jar garden stakes
Here at Happy Gardens, we're really big on "upcycling"—that is, using something we've already got to create something new. And that's just what this great idea for a DIY garden stake calls for.
For this project, you'll attach mason jar lids to metal sticks, then decorate the tops how you see fit. You can use paint, stickers, beads, or simply write the names of whatever plants you're growing right on the lids. Then, simply stake them into the ground.
Don't have mason jar lids? You can attach laminated index cards instead. (The plastic will protect each sign from rain, dirt, and wind.) Looking for a personalized arts and crafts project? Ask your kids to decorate the signs on a rainy day.
Handmade garden markers
Need to label whatever fruits, veggies, and herbs are growing in your garden? This ultra-simple idea for DIY garden stakes will help you keep your garden organized in no time. You can use a variety of materials to create these stakes, including old, wooden spoons or popsicle sticks.
Then, using permanent marker, clearly write out what you're growing, and stake it near the corresponding plant in your garden. These little, simple crafts won't just look cute in your garden, they'll help all levels of gardeners differentiate flower, veggie, fruit, and shrub seedlings.
Repurposed garden stakes
There's also a good chance that you can use some basic items already in your house to create garden stakes that can support top-heavy plants, create beautiful trellises, or create some separation between plants. Items like saplings, branches, bamboo, old pipes, recycled pool cues, and broken brooms can all be "upcycled" into garden stakes for your lawn.
Some gardeners prefer to add a touch of weather-resistant paint to these items to give them a more finished look. If you're feeling funky, you can paint each item a different bold and bright color. For a more mature look, try painting them all white, or a neutral metallic, like gold.
About Happy Gardens
Whether you're looking to jazz up your garden with garden stakes or something else entirely, the Happy Gardens online collection is a great place to browse for inspiration. Here, you'll find exactly what you're looking for—or at least get some ideas for what you might want to create on your own.
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If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with options, don't worry! Our team is available via chat to help you design the garden of your dreams. Remember, here at Happy Gardens, we're happy to help!
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