Wind Chimes: Frequently Asked Questions
At Happy Gardens, we love a good wind chime. After all, they are the perfect housewarming gift, engage the senses and are just plain beautiful.
But many of our garden lovers aren’t quite sure which wind chime to buy, and how one wind chime differs from another. So we sat down and answered ten of the most frequently asked questions about wind chimes. If you’re curious, read on!
- What is a wind chime?
- Where should I place an outdoor wind chime?
- How much does an outdoor wind chime cost?
- Where can I find decorative wind chimes?
- How do I care for a wind chime?
- Will wind chime music annoy me?
- Will my wind chime work indoors?
- Will my wind chime work in winter?
- What are some of the largest wind chimes?
- How do I learn how to make a wind chime?
1. What is a wind chime?
A wind chime, quite simply, is an outdoor decoration. Manufacturers hang pieces of metal, glass and shell from a special frame connected to a hook of some sort. Outdoor wind chimes are specifically designed to make pretty noises in the breeze.
2. Where should I place an outdoor wind chime?
Usually, the wind chime is hung from a tree or from a rafter on a porch. That’s to improve its access to a steady breeze, which is required if you’d like to hear the chime’s melodies.
Many garden lovers intentionally place their wind chimes near their doors and windows so they can enjoy the chimes’ sounds from indoors, too.
If you want silence, try a quiet mobile like this dragonflies one instead!
3. How much does an outdoor wind chime cost?
At Happy Gardens, our selection of wind chimes starts at $19.99, and most of them are between $30 and $70. The reasonable price point, usefulness and “forever-ness” of these pieces make them excellent gifts.
4. Where can I find decorative wind chimes?
You can find a curated, stunning selection of unique wind chimes and mobiles on our website. Our bestsellers include this shimmering bells with dragonflies chime and this (quiet!) sun, moon and sun mobile.
You can also find cool, vintage wind chimes at estate sales.
Large outdoor stores also sell wind chimes, but they tend to be very popular. Sometimes that means you and several of your neighbors could have the same mobile! Yikes!
5. How do I care for a wind chime?
Caring for a wind chime isn’t too challenging. Of course, you should accept—and encourage—your mobile to acquire a classic patina over time. But you can still keep it clean!
In general, you should start with a damp paper towel, simply scrubbing off any dirt that may have accumulated over time. If your wind chime is metal, you can also use WD-40 to help keep it tidy.
Be sure to check the directions that come with your new wind chime to learn more about how to care for it.
6. Will wind chime music annoy me?
Funny question! We can say with confidence that almost everyone we’ve met finds the music wind chimes make to be quite pleasant. Really, the harmonies they offer are more white noise than anything. Like a ticking clock, you only seem to notice it when you really listen. Otherwise, it’s just background noise—but better.
Plus, wind chimes’ music bring a certain beauty to dark rainstorms and blustery days. These musical mobiles offer a warmth and a sense of nature into gardens, and we think everyone should give them a try!
7. Will my wind chime work indoors?
Hanging wind chimes are certainly gorgeous, so we won’t judge you for keeping them indoors. That being said, you just won’t get the natural breeze necessary to propel the chime. It’ll be virtually silent. You won’t be able to enjoy all of its features unless you hang it outside.
8. Will my wind chime work in winter?
It might, but it’s not safe to leave outside when it’s too chilly. If you live somewhere cold, you probably want to bring your chime inside in the winter. You can store it in your home or garage, away from the harsh weather that might cause it to crack or break.
If you live somewhere with a milder climate, you should be good to enjoy your mobile all year round.
9. What are some of the largest wind chimes?
Photo Source: Guinness World Records
There are some wind chimes that are taller than you and me!
If you’re passing through Illinois, maybe check out the world’s largest wind chime, which is proudly listed in the Guinness World Records book. The wind chime is an unbelievable 42 feet long and weighs nearly 17,000 pounds.
10. How do I learn how to make a wind chime?
You can really get creative if you are making your own wind chime. Sure, you could use traditional materials like glass and metal, but many people get creative, hanging everything from pasta to seashells and stones on handmade mobiles.
You can suspend anything (shells, pencils, leftover buttons, etc.) from a frame using string. The frame could be a colander, an old hanger, a flower pot or an old frisbee. You can use more string to create a hanging loop from the top.
About Us:
Happy Gardens is the premiere online destination for beautiful, unique garden decor and gifts—especially wind chimes! We hand-select high-quality products that are sure to be cherished by you, your family and your guests for years to come. To join our mailing list and be the first to know about our new products and awesome promotions, click here!
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